Insurance tailored to the needs of equine professionals and organizations, written by horse experts in the insurance industry. Let us craft an insurance solution tailored to your equestrian needs.
Choose from a wide range of competitive insurance policies tailored to meet the needs of your canine pursuits, large or small. Insurance options for both professionals and canine organizations available.
We understand the complex risks of your livestock operation and will customize coverage to meet your specific needs. Coverage options for a wide range of operations are available.
All fields marked (*) are required.
If "Yes" to question above please indicate the Gross Annual Receipts and Average Number of Horses below.
NOTE: This includes anybody offering to take part in equine activities without remuneration. These individuals will NOT be giving lessons or advice as an expert or representative or acting as a person of authority (including any on ground instruction).
NOTE: A reoccurring student is someone you have frequent contact with and have excellent working knowledge of their horsemanship.
Includes traveling or at one location where horses or ponies are led in a round pen or hand held for special events, birthday parties, etc. Nor for reoccurring students (see definition above)
One day or multi day event offering equine activities or anything advertised as a "Camp". (For all events other than reoccurring 1 - 2 hour lessons and no overnight exposure.)
Providing advice on purchase of a horse that is owned by you or not owned by you, whether in your care, custody, control or not. Also, if you receive any kind of remuneration or act as an agent/broker or if you have involvement in a horse auction.
This includes trail rides led by you, a wrangler or any other party for recreational riding that is open to the general public for any length of time including hourly, long distance and/or multi-day trips.
This is for reoccurring students (see definition above) that have trail rides as a part of their regular lesson.